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[trx_section title=”Our Story of Success” subtitle=”about us” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”][trx_promo image=”192″ title=”A Perfect Blend of Sensational Food, Inspiring Ideas and Professional Staff” link=”/about-style-1/” link_caption=”read full story”]
[trx_highlight type=”3″]1997[/trx_highlight] – Silver service is oriented for a right-handed waiter. Thus to serve the food, the waiter stands behind the guest and to the guest’s left, holds or supports the platter with their left hand, and serves the food with their right hand. It is common for the waiter to hold the serving-fork above the serving-spoon both in the right hand, and use the fingers to manipulate the two as a pincer for picking up and transferring the food.
[trx_services style=”services-5″ image=”147″ title=”Planning a Fabulous
Event?” subtitle=”services” cat=”22″ columns=”2″ count=”6″ readmore=”none” link=”/about-style-2/” link_caption=”view more services” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”][/trx_services]
Event?” subtitle=”services” cat=”22″ columns=”2″ count=”6″ readmore=”none” link=”/about-style-2/” link_caption=”view more services” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”][/trx_services]
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[/trx_price_block][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item align=”center”][trx_price_block title=”Package 02″ link=”#” money=”999.00″ bg_image=”130″ style=”1″ subtitle=”Sed ut perspiciatis”]
[/trx_price_block][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item align=”center”][trx_price_block title=”Package 03″ link=”#” money=”1199.00″ bg_image=”248″ style=”1″ subtitle=”Sed ut perspiciatis”]
Price Plans” subtitle=”plans” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”][trx_columns count=”3″ margins=””][trx_column_item align=”center”][trx_price_block title=”Package 01″ link=”#” money=”799.00″ bg_image=”129″ style=”1″ subtitle=”Sed ut perspiciatis”]
We will be more than happy to work for
you during a family or a business picnic
Social events are highly
important to our clients, and
we guarantee perfect service
A private dining room,
or a penthouse catering is one of
our many great services
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or Discuss Your Project” link=”/contacts/” link_caption=”send free request”]
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